Thursday, June 14, 2012

The killing Room: MK Ultra

Baam! The first scene shocks you into the movie. Absolutely unexpected.  As the plot develops to indicate why these  four people have been gathered in this white room which seems to have no way out,"What would  I do?" is the question that comes to mind. The four are subjects of an experiment. Not sure of  what is going, and who is tormenting them, Dr. Phillips ( Peter Stormare ) is the only face they have seen , but he is not very nice. Along with the highly recommended intelligence officer Emily Reilly ( Chloey Sevigney) Dr. Phillips induces panic and mayhem amongst the test subjects by placing them under extreme pressure with the ultimate goal of choosing one to be the martyr for patriotism.

Using the mind control operation MK-Ultra  as a foundation to raise the question, is it  ever justified to experiment on people for the sake of the greater good even if death is likely the result of the test subjects ? Emily and Dr. Phillips agree such tests are justified. But if they were the test subjects would their answer be different? Probably, unless they are a member of the few who are willing to commit suicide for the sake of their country's security. These four people were willing test subjects who were offered a compensation of $250. They did not know what they were getting themselves into. 

Beyond the issue of experimental testing for the greater good, is the film's effort to inform the public about the United States' involvement in mind control experimentation under MK-Ultra, and how administrations of the past have tried to stop the practice, only to have the experiments continue outside of government control. The Manchurian Candidate is recognized for exploring the idea of mind control, and the dangers of abusing this power for  political advantage. The Killing Room paints a picture of the process and how cold, and ruthless the players involved can be by treating human life as disposable.           

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