Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Dark Knight Sequel Poster ?

Yes, it is here already! With very little time to spare we get a glimpse of what is to come for the next Batman movie. Based on the poster, the villain appears to be "The Riddler". The face of the supposed Riddler is not shown; we only see his hands hinting to us that he's crafting riddles from newspaper print. This is an amazing poster that was made by a fan. So sorry. Hey, I fell for it too. It is that well made. Amazing! I was so excited when I saw this poster because it truthfully seemed like a Dark Knight poster. Mysterious, but yet simple and powerful. The dark element of this poster is what fooled me. The style of this poster appears consistent with Christopher Nolan's style. Even with a character like "The Joker" who has traditionally been drawn wearing very bright colors, Nolan directed darker shades for The Joker's outfits. Looking at this poster, one assumes that the dark tone of the poster is considerably close to what Nolan would have directed, for it stands as an antithesis to the effulgence of the former franchise.

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