Saturday, May 24, 2008

Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of The Crystal Skull: Family Reunion

Director: Steven Spielberg
Writers: David Koepp, George Lucas, Jeff Nathanson, and Phillip Kaufman.
Producer: Frank Marshall

Starring: Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones, Cate Blanchett as Irina Spalko, Karen Allen as Marion Ravenwood, Shia Labeouf as Mutt Williams, Ray Winstone as "Mac" George McHale, John Hurt as Professor "Ox" Oxley, and Jim Broadbent as Dean Charles Stanforth(IMDb). Rated PG-13.

Indiana Jones is in a train. As the train begins to depart a young man on a motor cycle named Mutt rides by his window while the train is moving, and asked him if he has ever heard of Oxley. In recognition of the name, Jones answers yes and they both went to a diner to discuss clues left by Oxley that ultimately lead to the discovery of an ancient treasure.

The current sequel has maintained the tradition of the previous Indiana Jones films. There was plenty of adventure, cool camera angles, riddles, and clues. The adventure element was plentiful as there was no lag in the film. It was not boring at all. Granted the action sequences were over the top, but this is what I expect from an Indiana Jones film. Clearly this film executed what it what it advertised, and that is fun and adventure. The production was amazing. The cast chemistry was great. Cate Blanchett was awesome in her role, and I think she fit the part nicely. According to the film received favorable reviews, and according to, so far the film has received 148 fresh tomatoes to 39 rotten tomatoes. As a very fun film to watch I will grade it a B+. Stay tuned,

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