Saturday, September 20, 2008

Righteous Kill and Lakeview Terrace

A quick review on Righteous Kill, It was great to finally see Dinero and  Pacino acting side by side, but I wish it was in a film that was consequential. Certainly  the preceding wish is not asserting that this film was not satisfactory. Seeing these two greats in an awesome movie rather than a film that was simply satisfactory was how I would have liked to see these magnates of the acting world perform side by side.  I will grade this movie a C+ because it was not extraordinary, but it was worth seeing.

Lakeview Terrace was surprisingly intense. Samuel Jackson played his role so well he made me feel uncomfortable. I truly disliked his character. He was annoying and controlling, but worst of all he thought he was righteous when he was not. The subject matter of interracial relationships was the basal conflict contributing to the acerbic and intrusive disposition of Jackson's character. The family conflicts that are quite often endemic to interracial relationships is also explored in this film. This film was surprisingly good although the ending was rather predictable. I will grade it a C+.   

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