Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Banking CEOs Feel The Heat

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Friday The 13th: Whitney

Official Site: www.fridaythe13thmovie.com
Director(s): Marcus Nispel
Writer(s): Damian Shannon, and Mark Swift
Producer(s): Michael Bay, Andrew Form,

Starring: Jared Padalecki, Danielle Panabaker, Amanda Righetti, Amanda Righetti, Aaron Yoo,Derek Mears, Jonathan Sadowski, Julianna Guill, Ben Feldman, Arlen Escarpeta, Ryan Hansen,Willa Ford, Nick Mennell, America Olivo, and, Kyle Davis(IMDb). Rated-R. 97 minutes.

A group of young adults have disappeared in the woods where a supposed disfigured maniacal killer by the name Jason duels. Six weeks later another group of young adults visit those woods, along with a stranger named Clay Miller who is searching for his sister Whitney who was a member of the previous group that has been declared missing. Clay's search leads him to an abandoned camp called Crystal Lake where him and his new friend Jenna notice a morbid and tall figure carrying a beheaded body. In fear of being massacred, Clay and Jenna run out of the camp to avoid being killed. 

By the time they reached the rest of the group to warn them about what they saw, Jason was already on the prowl.There was an effective use of color in the scenes featuring Camp Crystal Lake. The brown and greenish layer in those scenes was incredibly useful in depicting howJason lived a filthy and marginal domestic life. Apparently, Jason does not practice hygiene, and nor does he clean his house. The use of the aforementioned colors in the production of those scenes was efficacious in arousing the audience in feeling uncomfortable about how dirty the house was.

The the dialogue in the script was average. Witty jokes entertained the mind on a mundane level while the casting was platitudinous in its typical grouping of an Asian, and African American while the remainder of the group was Caucasian. As usual the Asian and the African American are coupled in some capacity, either romantic or platonic, platonic in this case. This film was well produced, but more suspense would have benefited the film. I'll score it a 73.


Interview:Damian Shannon/Mark Swift

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Movie Favorites: Eyes Wide Shut

Some conspiracy theorists believe this film was about the ritualistic sexual practices of powerful men in secret in societies.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire: Rupees

Official Site: www.foxsearchlight.com/slumdogmillionaire
Director(s): Danny Boyle, and Loveleen Tandan
Writer(s): Simon Beaufoy, and Vikas Swarup
Producer(s): Christian Colson,

Starring: Dev Patel, Anil Kapoor, Saurabh Shukla, Freida Pinto, (IMDb). Rated-R. 120min.

Jamal is one question away from winning 20 million dollars, but the horn to stop the show sounds off, and he has to walk off the stage until the next day. As he walks out of the building, he is captured by police and tortured on charges of cheating, for how else would he have known all the answers so far into the game. After being tortured he was given a chance to explain how he knew the answers. Coincidentally, every question he was asked yielded an answer that related to his life as a destitute child.

This was an amazing film, showcasing great cinematography which detailed the impoverished real estate of the slums with all the people who lived in substandard housing. The latrines, the muddy roads, and the barefoot kids who wear the same soiled clothes everyday was presented powerfully, a presentation conveying the culture of impoverished India so well. This is a great film that earned 10 Oscar nominations, and earned a best picture award. Awesome! I'll grade it a 92.

