Starring:Christian Bale, Sam Worthington, Moon Bloodgood, Anton Yelchin, Bryce Dallas HowardCommon,(IMDb). PG-13, 130min. Well what can I say about Terminator Salvation? I can say it was awesome. Not a dull moment, very exciting, and hopeful. Bale portrayed a sincere John Connor who cared deeply about his fellow humans. As I watched the film I felt how important Connor was even though most of the resistance only knew him by his voice, a voice that was a beacon of hope.
The production epitomized movie craftsmanship. The filth, and rustic nature of post "judgment day" life was so well defined on screen, the depravity the characters experienced was tangible. Living parsimoniously, eating two day old coyote, and walking around with soiled skin, and soiled clothes, were living conditions the characters considered common, but certainly not favorable, and I felt for these characters.
The action scenes were well directed. I was so amazed at how one aspect of the actions scenes tied in with another aspect of the actions scenes. It's difficult to describe, but in simple terms the action scenes were intricate, and they "kicked ass". This film definitely delivered. According to the film received generally mixed reviews, and granted the film 53 fresh tomatoes to 100 rotten ones. This film was awesome. I'll grade it an 85. Stay tuned
I was not too excited about seeing this movie, and it certainly was not on my to see list, but thank goodness I saw it, well, honestly I was going to see it anyway. In any event, from the antimatter research center to the costumes , I was really impressed with the over all production of the film. The production really delivered the essence of Rome, even though I have never visited Rome.
The pace was great; there was no lag, or boredom, and the major parts of the film such as antimatter were explained expeditiously and clearly. I don't think this film was suspenseful, but the sense of urgency in the plot was pronounced through the skillful detective work of Professor Langdon, as he deciphered the significance of one symbol to the next.
Overall this film was fun, fast paced, well acted, and very entertaing. According to, the film earned generally mixed reviews, and granted the film 65 fresh to 110 rotten tomatoes thus far. Good stuff. I'll score it an 85. Stay tuned,
Seemingly, what distinguished this film from the previous films was the absence of lag. It seems like Abram's kept this in mind, and directed the film so that in every scene there was something essential and entertaining occurring. In the other Star Trek films that I have scene, I remember the lag, for at some point the pace of the film would slow down, and it would become slightly boring. Certainly, that is not the case in this film.
The casting was impeccable but William Shatner should of had a cameo .Even though detecting Eric Bana took some time on my part. It was difficult not to like the cast. My favorite was Simon Pegg as Scotty. With that said, it seems like this is a lightning in a bottle type casting. According the film received generally favorable reciews, granted the film 195 fresh tomatoes to 9 rotten ones thus far. Awesome. I'll grade it a 95. Stay tuned